How to Migrate Your Notes to Obsidian: A Quick Guide

Thinking of switching to Obsidian? Good choice! Obsidian offers flexibility, control over your notes, and powerful graph views for connecting ideas. Here’s a short guide on migrating your notes from various platforms.

Evernote to Obsidian

Use Yarle, a popular tool for converting Evernote’s .enex files to markdown. Export your notes from Evernote, convert with Yarle, and move them into your Obsidian vault. Easy and efficient!
(Source: FaceDragons)

Google Keep to Obsidian

Export your notes via Google Takeout, then convert them to markdown using a script like KeepToObsidian. It handles images and tags, making it a solid solution for seamless migration.
(Source: KeepToObsidian GitHub)

OneNote to Obsidian

OneNote migration can be done using the OneNote2Markdown script, which converts notebooks into markdown. Alternatively, export your notes to Evernote first and then migrate using Yarle.
(Source: Winston Lee)

Trello to Obsidian

Use the T2MD tool to transform your Trello boards into markdown files. This tool captures tasks and content so you can easily manage them in Obsidian.
(Source: Obsidian Forum)

Notion to Obsidian

Export Notion content as markdown & CSV files, and import them into Obsidian. You can organize folders to match your Notion structure and enjoy Obsidian’s linking power!
(Source: Ness Labs)

With these tools, migrating to Obsidian is straightforward, allowing you to take full advantage of its Smart Connections and local-first features. Happy note-taking 🌴